
Thank you so much for stopping by! Time appears to be flying by way too fast and I'm looking to do something exciting with the rest of my life. I'll be starting an online fitness business called "GoBeDo" sometime this year. Be sure and check in. You'll learn about High Interval Training, Yoga, Body weight exercise, Spartan races, Functional training and whole lot more. Real $hit, for Old Timers like me. Why? We only have one shot at a grandiose and fulfilling life. Let's get busy creating one. Remember, it's the start that stops most people. The last thing I want to take to my grave is "regret!"
Peace/Love and Hugs!
Guapo (Grandpa Jasso)
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Remember... Always "trust" the Experts...

Hey, it's Marco! What's up with these self proclaimed experts? And why can't they all agree on anything? Give you an example: Hmm... How about olive oil? "Spozed" to be good for us, right? Well, the widely accepted cold-processed olive oil, though it may be healthier than margarine, cottonseed, butter and many other fats, consumed in anything but the smallest quantity will sabotage your health. The danger lies in people thinking they can use it liberally because it is “healthy” and even touted to promote weight loss in some diet ideologies. Think Mediterranean Diet...
In May 2000, Robert Vogel, MD, stunned the members of the American College of Cardiology by warning that olive oil could be as dangerous to your heart and arteries as a Big Mac or giant piece of cheesecake. What did he base this on? He tested 3 groups of volunteers with normal cholesterol levels. Each group was given a meal and blood vessel restriction was measured 3 hours after the meal. The salmon meal had negligible vessel restriction and the meal with canola oil and bread 11%. But the olive oil and bread meal had a whopping 34% vessel restriction.
     Now, on the flip side, If you've ever been in an Italian kitchen then you no doubt have seen the use of olives or olive oil. You've also probably read all the health literature about the benefits for anti-inflammation and heart health. Recently science has started to uncover a hidden acid contained within olives. Known as maslinic acid, this compound has been found to inhibit the enzymes responsible for the HIV virus proliferation and cancer prevention. Chemically, maslinic acid looks very similar to some anabolic steroids.
     Well maslinic acid (OLIVES) actually helps to keep muscle glycogen (stored carbohydrates) in your muscles and allows your body to shift to an extra gear of FAT BURNING.
 Very cool but that's not it... In fish studies, maslinic acid has also been found to improve the efficiency in which protein is absorbed into muscle tissue! Do your own research folks! You're probably not going to live past 100 anyway...

Olive Oil Under Attack?
Health Benefits of Olive Oil?

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