
Thank you so much for stopping by! Time appears to be flying by way too fast and I'm looking to do something exciting with the rest of my life. I'll be starting an online fitness business called "GoBeDo" sometime this year. Be sure and check in. You'll learn about High Interval Training, Yoga, Body weight exercise, Spartan races, Functional training and whole lot more. Real $hit, for Old Timers like me. Why? We only have one shot at a grandiose and fulfilling life. Let's get busy creating one. Remember, it's the start that stops most people. The last thing I want to take to my grave is "regret!"
Peace/Love and Hugs!
Guapo (Grandpa Jasso)
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

ENERGY SUCKERS! Stay Away From Them!

Hey, it's Marco! You know who they are... Some folks just go through life looking for a reason to be offended! Yikes! You may be in a relationship with one! Heck, you may be one yourself! If you know someone who falls in the energy sucking category, Run! Stay away from them by all means or they will suck you into their nasty, depressing world... And believe me, it's a dark, dark world there! These poor souls are connected to their past and love to bathe there. And they love to play the blame game! You know, it's always someone else's fault that they are the way they are! It's a horrible, horrible place to be! So! What else could we do other than run? Just be kind and stay positive. No matter what! One of the most important considerations when helping someone in a negative state is that you must avoid falling into negativity yourself.  Negative people are energy vampires.  They have an almost endless capacity to dwell on what they don’t want, whining and complaining about their lives while denying responsibility for their results.  Their fear blocks the natural flow of energy from within, so they must get it from other people instead.  After spending a few hours with them, you’ll usually feel drained, tired, worried, or stressed.  Positive people, on the other hand, have overcome their fears to such a degree that their energy flows outward.  Consequently, they give energy instead of taking it.  After spending time with very positive people, you’ll tend to feel energized, uplifted, and inspired.  Most people are somewhere in the middle though, so the energy exchange tends to be close to neutral.

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