
Thank you so much for stopping by! Time appears to be flying by way too fast and I'm looking to do something exciting with the rest of my life. I'll be starting an online fitness business called "GoBeDo" sometime this year. Be sure and check in. You'll learn about High Interval Training, Yoga, Body weight exercise, Spartan races, Functional training and whole lot more. Real $hit, for Old Timers like me. Why? We only have one shot at a grandiose and fulfilling life. Let's get busy creating one. Remember, it's the start that stops most people. The last thing I want to take to my grave is "regret!"
Peace/Love and Hugs!
Guapo (Grandpa Jasso)
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

EATING ANIMALS! Great Book! Buy it then Read it!

Hey, it's Marco! If this book were packaged like a loaf of bread, its Nutrition Facts box would list high percentages of graphic descriptions of factory farm methods of animal breeding, mass confinement, and assembly-line slaughter! Eating Animals is part personal journey, part modern muckraking and a surprisingly candid and empathetic book on food. Foer doesn't preach but instead invites us to have a conversation with family farmers and factory farmers, animal activists and slaughterhouse workers. His book is important not because he has all the answers (he often acknowledges his own uncertainty), but because he asks the right questions and makes it impossible for us not to ask them too....okay, I'll shut up! And No! It's not about becoming a Vegetarian! I always wondered how my steak died...not that  I eat steak anymore! Just read it! You'll never look at meat the same way again! Great Book!

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